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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Ken Follett-Winter of the World
(Century Trilogy)

The Most Popular Bestsellers Books - Historical Fiction - Ken Follett's Winter of the World Info, Plot Summary, Review and Ken Follett Biography Ken Follett-Winter of the World

Author: Ken FollettKen Follett

Book: Winter of the World (960 Pgs.)Ken Follett-Winter of the World

Book Two of the Century Trilogy

Ken Follett-Edge of EternityThe story follows characters from Germany, Britain, the USA and the Soviet Union, who become linked by events leading to World War II, and continues through the war and its immediate aftermath. The major characters are often children of the characters who were seen in Fall of Giants. The novel covers a wide range of world events during the period, including the rise of Nazism, the ascent of Franco in Spain, the short-lived growth of British fascism, Action T4, the Battle of Moscow, the Blitz, the Normandy landings, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the development of the atom bomb, the fall of Berlin and many more. The families, spread across four countries, are related to each other though they themselves aren't often aware of it.

Point of view characters include:

Carla von Ulrich- the daughter of Reichstag member Walter von Ulrich and magazine editor Maude Fitzherbert. She was rejected for a medical scholarship due to anti-female policies in Nazi Germany, but takes a job as a nurse in Berlin. After her father is murdered by the Gestapo for protesting Action T4, she helps her friends- who are German Resistance members- transmit vital battle plans to the Soviet Union. Carla is raped by Red Army soldiers during the fall of Berlin, and later gives birth to a son that she raises with her mother and her husband, Werner Franck. She also adopts a Jewish girl, Rebekah, whom she rescued from a concentration camp.

Erik von Ulrich- Carla's older brother, he is much more narrow-minded and less liberal than his sister and parents. Erik is initially a firm supporter of the Nazi regime and serves in the German Army as a medical orderly in the invasions of France and Russia. However, when he witnesses the slaughter of Jewish civilians by the SS, he has a change of heart. Captured during the Battle of Berlin, Erik returns to his family a die-hard supporter of communism, much to his mother and sister's dismay.

Thomas Macke- a sadistic, ambitious member of the Gestapo. A fanatical Nazi, Macke gains ownership of a restaurant owned by Walter von Ulrich's cousin Robert by threatening to persecute Robert for his homosexuality. He later orders the murder of Carla and Erik's father and nearly manages to uncover the German Resistance circuit run by Carla and her boyfriend Werner. When Macke is injured during a bombing, Werner smothers him to death in the hospital where Carla works.

Lloyd Williams- the son of Welsh MP Ethel Leckwith and the bastard of Earl Fitzherbert (and therefore a cousin of Carla and Erik, whom he met in Berlin). Lloyd was a student at Cambridge alongside his unknowing half-brother, Viscount 'Boy' Fitzherbert. After leading anti-Fascist demonstrations in London, he fights for the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War and later helps downed airmen escape Nazi-occupied France during World War II. Lloyd falls in love with Daisy early in the story, though she doesn't reciprocate it until later. After the war, he becomes a Labour Party MP and supporter of the Marshall Plan to combat communist aggression.

Daisy Peshkov-the daughter of Russian-American film tycoon/gangster Lev Peshkov and Olga Vyalov, she is initially a superficial- but kind-natured- social climber. When she is rejected by New York high society due to her father's reputation, she romances and later marries Viscount 'Boy' Fitzherbert in England. However, their relationship soon breaks down due to his infidelities and her growing attraction to Lloyd Williams. Daisy drives an ambulance during the Blitz and becomes close friends with Lloyd's mother Ethel. After Boy is killed when his plane is shot down, Daisy remarries to Lloyd and starts a family with him after the war.

Grigori "Greg" Peshkov- Daisy's half-brother, the son of Lev and his mistress Marga. A former student of Harvard, Greg is very much his father's son in his initiative, ambition and womanizing habits. He quickly rises amid the bureaucracy of Washington D.C. during World War II and becomes an observer for the government on the development of the nuclear bomb. During Word War II, Greg discovers he has a son, Georgy, conceived during his earlier romance with a young African-American actress, Jacky Jakes.

Vladimir "Volodya" Peshkov- the son of Soviet General Grigori Peshkov and his wife Katerina, although Vladimir's biological father is Grigori's brother Lev (who left Russia before he was born). An intelligence officer, Vladimir is the handler for several Soviet espionage cells in Germany and the U.S, including that of Carla and Werner. He fights in the Spanish Civil War and in the Battle of Moscow, and later manages to obtain covert intelligence on U.S. development of the nuclear bomb. Overtime, Vladimir becomes increasingly uncertain in his devotion to communism as he witnesses the brutal measures taken by Stalin. Vladimir romances a beautiful physicist named Zoya and later marries and starts a family with her after the war.

Woody Dewar- The son of U.S. Senator Gus Dewar and his wife Rosa, and a former friend of Daisy and Greg's. Although drawn to politics like his father, Woody finds his true passion in news writing and photography. He spends much of the story trying to win the heart of his longtime crush, Joanne Rouzrokh, and eventually does. However, while they are in Hawaii celebrating their engagement, she is killed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. After his brother's death, Woody serves in the U.S. Army against the Germans, leading an Airborne platoon on D-Day. He is sent home wounded, and eventually begins a relationship with Bella Hernandez, a young woman he met while training in Britain.

Charles "Chuck" Dewar- Woody's younger brother. Chuck is a patriotic member of the U.S. Navy, but struggles with his closeted homosexuality (which he later revealed to Woody, and which his mother had already guessed). Chuck is present during the attack on Pearl Harbor and later plays a small but vital role in the Battle of Midway. He is later killed by Japanese machine-gunfire during the landing at Bouganville, trying to protect his lover Eddie Parry.

The novel also sets the stage for the decades to follow with reference to interracial and homosexual relationships, the creation of the United Nations, more liberal attitudes toward sex, and the growth of Eastern European Communism.

Source: Wikipedia

  • Ken Follett-Winter of the WorldKen Follett-Winter of the World
    Ken Follett-Winter of the World

Ken Follett: Winter of the World - Review
Reviewed by Kirkusreviews

Follett continues the trilogy begun with Fall of Giants (2010) with a novel that ranges across continents and family trees.

It makes sense that Follett would open with an impending clash, since, after all, it’s Germany in 1933, when people are screaming about why the economy is so bad and why there are so many foreigners on the nation’s streets. The clash in question, though, is a squabble between journalist Maud von Ulrich, née Lady Maud Fitzherbert—no thinking of Brigitte Jones here—and hubby Walter, a parliamentarian headed for stormy times. Follett’s big project, it seems, is to reduce the bloody 20th century to a family saga worthy of a James Michener, and, if the writing is less fluent than that master’s, he succeeds. Scrupulous in giving characters major and minor plenty of room to roam on the stage, Follett extends the genealogy of the families introduced in the first volume, taking into account the twists and turns of history: If Grigori Peshkov was a hero of the Bolshevik Revolution, his son Volodya is a dutiful soldier of the Stalin regime—dutiful, but not slavishly loyal. Indeed, most of the progeny here spend at least some of the time correcting the mistakes of their parents’ generation: Carla von Ulrich becomes a homegrown freedom fighter in Germany, which will have cliffhanger-ish implications at the very end of this installment, while Lloyd Williams, son of a parliamentarian across the Channel, struggles against both fascism and communism on the front in the Spanish Civil War. (Lloyd’s a perspicacious chap; after all, even George Orwell needed time and distance from the war to gain that perspective.) Aside from too-frequent, intrusive moments of fourth-wall-breaking didacticism—“Supplying weaponry was the main role played by the British in the French resistance”—Follett’s storytelling is unobtrusive and workmanlike, and he spins a reasonable and readable yarn that embraces dozens of characters and plenty of Big Picture history, with real historical figures bowing in now and then. Will one of them be Checkers, Richard Nixon’s dog, in volume 3? Stay tuned.

An entertaining historical soap opera.

2015@http://albbookspreviews.blogspot.pt-Top Bestsellers Books - Ken Follett-Winter of the World

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